
2024/4/13 18:26:59

基于重复无钳式感应开关应力下非对称沟槽SiC功率MOSFET的退化研究 ISPSD-2021

The 33rd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) 标题:Degradation Investigations on Asymmetric Trench SiC Power MOSFETs Under Repetitive Unclamped Inductive Switching Stress 阅读日期:2023.6.21 研究了什…

通过1.2kV级别的4H-SiC开关MOS,实现低导通电阻并使Body PiN二极管失活

标题:Body PiN diode inactivation with low on-resistance achieved by a 1.2 kV-class 4H-SiC SWITCH-MOS (IEDM) 阅读日期:2023.6.25 受到的启发 The gate trench and SBD trench were simultaneously etched. Extended buried p layers were form…